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Lidar Applications In Agriculture

Agriculture is the backbone of every economy in the world. It is why many people are alive; therefore, to implement great projects, many things are used, including LIDAR.

Lidar technology determines the distance between two objects by hitting a part with a laser and determining reflected light distance. It is a way that scientists can use to determine environments and their flexibility to handle agriculture.

Digital elevation models

Lidar makes the process of determining proper terrain quicker and more effective. Before its invention, photogrammetry could make the process slow and unreliable. Lidar technology makes agriculture a sure venture since one can determine the strategy to use in planting crops.

It can be applied in countries with unreliable ground structures, and people will be comfortable farming. It is a verified technology that experts have used to make smart progress.

Crop viability

A large population is the most significant pressure felt by farmers. It makes them need to have accurate data on the supply of food to produce. Lidar is used for topographic analysis, therefore providing accurate information. It can be used to check soil properties in various landscapes to determine the type and amount of food to grow.

Crop categorization

Determining the best ground for a particular crop is critical for its growth. Lidar technology can be used to determine a crop’s characteristics before planting it, making correct decisions on where to plant it.

Crop mapping

You can create an elevation map on the amount of yield to expect from a specific planting season. It may help you determine the amount of fertilizer to use therefore economizing on cost. It will also help determine the amount of time to spend while planting and yield to harvest.


Such analysis will determine the amount of labour to use while planting and harvesting. However, the most significant challenge could be securing it because it is expensive. It is used in a large-scale format; therefore, a small-scale format can be challenging because of the size of land used.

You can also check the quality of soil used and save on using inappropriate fertilizer since you will invest in the proper amount and type, therefore enhancing effectiveness. Lidar technology helps prepare the market and product distribution because you can know how to produce and sell.

If you use the traditional farming method, you may never know what to expect; therefore, your marketing strategies will be weak. Lidar technology can also be used to conserve land for better use and ecological research. If you know your land’s good ecological value, it will be easy to make your land’s correct choices.

Farming becomes economical with lidar technology, therefore consider trying it.

Final thoughts

Technology resonates with farming in different ways, and you should understand how to use it to your benefit. Lidar technology will determine land size; therefore, you will understand how to maximize your resources.

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